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用 Arduino 和轻触开关实现最简单的“拨动开关”(可以保持和切换开关状态),为了便于理解,没有多余的元件,这里只实现一个最简单的开关来控制LED。
/********************* Simple toggle switch Created by: P.Agiakatsikas *********************/ int button = 8; int led = 13 int status = false; void setup(){ pinMode(led, OUTPUT); pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP); // set the internal pull up resistor, unpressed button is HIGH } void loop(){ //a) if the button is not pressed the false status is reversed by !status and the LED turns on //b) if the button is pressed the true status is reveresed by !status and the LED turns off if (digitalRead(button) == true) { status = !status; digitalWrite(led, status); } while(digitalRead(button) == true); delay(50); // keeps a small delay }
标签: level2教程arduino开关按键开led按键开关轻触开关拨动开关
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